Question by Kevin: Whats a healthier alternative for Monster energy drink?
Hello, I really want to change my habit of drinking a Monster energy drink to something much healthier but that does the same thing, keep me awake in the mornings. Should I go for the low calorie ones even though they taste horrible? I want something that tastes good and keeps me up(well if you guys know any). Thanks, really appreciate the help.
Best answer:
Answer by G-Tan
Coffee or tea are better alternatives, but high doses of caffeine are bad no matter where the source. What makes most energy drinks bad are the additional stimulants like Taurine and Guarana
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
I really don’t think that any drinks that contain caffeine are healthy for your body. This is including all kinds of sodas and coffee/tea and especially slurpees. The calorie part isn’t that much of a big deal, it’s mostly the sodium, sugar, and caffeine that hurts the body. Therefore, the best bet for you is water and any kind of juices you prefer. They not only are healthy but taste good( if you find the right one).
I hope this helps, I’m no scientist by the way…
Have you tried 5-Hour Energy? I think they are better than the Monster drinks, because they are small and not loaded with calories, you get the same energy out of a little shot instead of a whole bit carbonated drink. I really like the pomegranate too!
# Zero sugar
# Zero herbal stimulants
# Only 4 calories
# B-vitamins and amino acids
5hour energy or a solid dose of b12. Also I know this is very far fetched but….try sleeping 😉