Question by George L: What is a healthy energy drink to drink at night?
I am currently reading U2 by U2 (bout 18 pages a night) and I usually get tired. And I want to stay fit and fall asleep. What should I drink to keep my energy up while I am reading.
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Answer by rosedolphin101
propel or gatorade
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actually none, and especially at night none
red bull
There is no healthy energy drink.
energy drinks are not healthy just useless calories and a bunch of caffeine and sugar
No energy drinks are healthy.
Vitamin Water is excellent.
starbucks (:
at night wow?
none are good for you whatso ever and even though some are sugar free- there as bad as pop
Try a V8 so I won’t have to hit you in the forehead.
best thing to do is drink water but if u want some type of energy drink, drink either gatorade bcuz it restores ur electrolytes but if u want something less sugary then drink vitamin water.
Energy drinks would have things like caffeine or sugar, and none of them would be good for you. If you wish to read at night, maybe do a bit of exercise to wake you up, take a cold shower or something.
best nothing at all….
but OJ…has sugar and is refreshing
no engery drinks are healthy
eat something thats healthy and u reallyy like but a snakc portion
No Energy Drinks are healthy, especailly if you’re not exercising
None are healthy at all. if i were to chose and ive tried them all… id go with bawls or 5 hour energy.
go to sleep and read it some other time because if u take an energy drink yur goin to be up for hours and crash later in the day
really u jus shouldnt drink anything by a certain time but one of the best things would be milk
all of them r unhealthy and will keep u up bad idea don’t go there but if u really want one get a rockstar with juice
don’t drink energy drinks. just drink water and maybe read a book you are more interested in and you will stay awake.
u shouldnt drink somethin to keep u awake.its not healthy. its healthier to go to sleep when ur tired and not take somethin to keep u awake. water would be fine or a fruit juice.
do not drink energy drinks as they will just make you more tired once you wake up, but what you may be interested in is a food – goji berries.
goji berries have a high concentration of natural sugars and also very many antioxidants to keep your body’s nutrients balanced. best part is they are VERY DELICIOUS, kind of like candy.
This new product called Vemma. It has every vitamin that you need for a day. It has changed my life, i would suggest ordering it. Its a bit expensive but worth every bit of money.
Chocolate. It will keep you buzzed for a while but then you will get really tired so you will be able to sleep better when you want to but you will probably stay awake while you are reading. And it also helps that it’s delicious. Sorry that it’s not an energy drink, but then you don’t have to wake up in the middle of the night to use the restroom.
Read the book the next day. Because when your done reading and you want to go to sleep you wont be able to.
I don’t know but for some reason when i eat peanut butter at night it keeps me up for a while.
You should drink efusjon. This is the first ever all natural health energy drink. It has no caffeine, sugar, taurine, etc. It get’s it’s strength from the Acai Berry. They freeze dry the berry to capture all of it’s nutritional value. The only other drink that does this is Mona Vie, however Mona Vie is a concentrate and not a grab and go like efusjon. It has a total of 5 fruits giving you extremely high levels of Antioxidants which is great for your body. There is nothing in this that is bad for you. Just recently the Acai berry was discovered and proven to lower cholesterol. With all of the antioxidants, your body will have a better chance of preventing sickness as your immune system will be at it’s best.
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You should try having a nice cup of tea, this will also help any sore throat