Question by Flying High: What is a good energy drink I should take before running a 400 m race?
I have a big race on monday and I need an energy drink to power me up for the race…what kind of stuff should I take? Just not Red Bull
It is a high school race and the most intense of the them all for me….since i have never drank coffee, I don’t know if I want to do so just yet but i may try it)
Best answer:
Answer by iwannabegood
Drink coffee. It is a stimulant. That’s why coffee is banned from being drinked before the Olympics.
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depends on how hardcore you are, you dont say what level you are racing at.
but some guys take adrenaline before a race/match (heart attacks), also, although caffeine has been shown to do some muscular performance enhancement, it actually constricts your heart’s blood flow by 30-40%, meaning less blood to your muscles.
i would definitely just stick with drinking 2 swallows of gatorade starting 2 hours beforehand, making sure not to drink too much (the weight), especially within 20 minutes of the race.
Any of the typical…Gatorade, Propel, etc.
Just make sure you give some time between drinking/eating and racing. Stay hydrated, especially with water…the best drink out there! 😀
Be careful not to drink too much before running…that causes cramps…for a 400 that won’t be too bad, but for any distance longer than that, it’ll hurt. Have fun and good luck!
400m is short so you don’t need an energy drink. A few sips of water should be fine.
No, seriously, oj is really good!
Energy drinks give you a big energy boost and then drop you fast. They also aren’t that good for your body. So I’d advise you not to drink them at all. Eating healthy and drinking lots of water will really help improve your performance. I’ve been off of coffee for a year and my times have changed dramatically!
take some meth, this will make you run hard and strong( just stay away from it afterwards lol)