Question by Jelissa: Is monster energy drinks bad for ur health if you drink them all the time?
Every morning I drink an energy drink. Sometimes if I miss a day or two. I will get bad headaches. Then, I will also get some chest pain. But, that could be from something else. What do u think?
Best answer:
Answer by Jake
well that depends if you want to get fat then no they are not bad if you want to feel like crap then no they are not bad. if you want to look good then yes they are bad for you and if you want to feel good and not fat then yes they are bad for you….pretty simple just simple research
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Hey Jelissa,
Monster drinks have 120 grams of sugar (30 grams with 4 servings) in each can. That can seriously screw you up.
#1)You can get fat
#2)Insulin spikes
It keeps your body in a constant fight or flight mode. You are totally destroying your adrenal glands and your nervous system is probably not happy. You probably can feel your heart trying to come out of your chest. I had a friend OD on energy drinks. There is a substance in them that depletes the potassium from your muscles causing you to have severe and debilitating cramps. He had a fun little outing to ther ER.
has as much sugar as 20 chocolate sundaes, has as much caffine as 8 cups of coffee. good enough.
also, the huge amount of taurine combined with the caffine results in excessive dehydration, very stressful to the heart. after a while this will literally take months off your life.
they are bad for your heart and you can get heart disease and stuff
Hope This Answer Helps you (Decide) 🙂
Yes……..About a year ago i used to do that and i had the same symtoms……i went to my doctor and he said i should stop drinking them because my body couldn’t handle all the caffeine….but i drank them all the time like 3 times a day………they also gave my grampa erectile disfunction, and they gave my dad a heart attack because his body couldn’t handle it……….he was only 33.
are you kidding me yessss its horribleeeeeeeee.
just like cigarettes your body is having withdrawls.
Yes! Stop drinking them so often! Sheesh. Listen. I used to drink soda every single day. I didn’t skip a beat unless we ran out and I had to wait a day or two. It was awful. I kept breaking out, ran out of energy quicker. But the worst part of it was after almost a full year, I developed heart problems. Heart Palpitations and an Irregular heartbeat, in fact, which signaled a weak heart.
Because. Of Soda.
I quit the soda drinking habit, and I’m pretty darn healthy, now.
Now, Energy Drinks are different from soda. They’re much more -dangerous-. They have so many more ingredients packed in there, the symptoms can be much more severe. If you keep drinking them like you are the following will happen. WILL. Not maybe, will. For sure. Don’t know when, but they will.
1- Heart Problems. Lord only knows what those drinks are doing to your intestinal system, it’s only a matter of time before all of that adrenaline affects your heart and brain.
2- Kidney Stones. Know what those are? They’re painful, that’s what they are. Several cases have been documented about people who drink energy drinks developing kidney stones.
3- I can’t say for certain, but I’d say those headaches and chest pains are related to your obsessive drinking of energy drinks.
It’s okay to have one -once in a while-. Energy Drinks aren’t made to be a daily thing, hon. They’re made to be a once-in-a-while pick-me-up. A couple, meaning two, a week is a healthy amount, I’d say, but not one every day or every other day.
Essentially, Monster Energy drinks are a blend of sugar, caffeine, and vitamin suppleents that provide a boost of energy. It’s the 2500 mg of ‘Energy Blend’ that sets Monster Energy drinks apart from the rest; while it’s not clear how much of this is pure caffeine, you will experience a strong buzz that is probably equivalent to about 2-3 cups of coffee per serving.
Instead of consuming energy drinks, how about incorporating a healthy diet of having regular meals (five small meals a day) and exercise to boost and sustain your energy level in a healthy manner? What you should be doing is to gradually decrease your intake of these drinks and work on having a healthy diet of whole grains and fruits, vegetables and proteins (like legumes, fish or lean meat), where there is a gradual and steady release of energy that should last till your next meal. Natural supplements and herbs such as essence of chicken, vitamin B-complex and ginseng can help to boost your energy level in a healthy way.
Energy drinks are usually laden with caffeine and sugar, consuming too much caffeine and sugar is not advisable. Let us explain. Caffeine works when it is being mistaken as another compound called adenosine by the brain and prevents adenosine from “rightfully taking their place”. The molecular structure of caffeine looks similar to adenosine and hence is able to bind to adenosine receptors in the brain. However, instead of slowing down cellular activities like adenosine would, the nerve cells speed up instead with caffeine, leading to an increased neuron firing. An “alert” message will eventually be conveyed to the adrenal glands, which release adrenaline, the “fight” or “flight” hormone into the blood stream, causing an increase in pulse rate, blood pressure and causes muscles to tense up. Thus one does not feel the drowsiness but gets the perk instead! In the long run, too much adrenaline means our body is in a state of “fight” or stressed mode all the time and it wears out our system leaving us jumpy, irritable and addicted. Fizzy drinks and sweets rapidly release sugar into the blood stream, which gives the feeling of energy. But this spike in energy is followed with a rapid decline as the body releases insulin to quell the sugar surge. This gets you to hit a “low”, making you want to reach out for more sugar. If there is a constant spike in sugar/insulin levels, then it signals the body to store fat, which is why such foods also make you put on weight. Hence, it is not advisable to rely on energy drinks in the long run to boost energy. If you have been experiencing bad headaches or chest pains for a prolonged period of time, we advise you to seek medical help as this could symptoms of other health complications.
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