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Q&A: Is it bad for my health to drink 1L of energy drink in 1 hour completely?

18 Nov Posted by in Tweet Posts | 4 comments

Question by hugeballman: Is it bad for my health to drink 1L of energy drink in 1 hour completely?
So I heard of this 14 yr old or something that drank 1L of energy drink in less that one hour and had a heart attack… So I bought two mother energy drinks (500ml each) and im about to drink the second.

Yes or no?

And by health I mean, immediately, will i have a heart attack?

I am 19.

Best answer:

Answer by Amanda
You don’t need to drink that crap. If you know it will hurt you why bother drinking it. The thrill isn’t so f**cking gr8 and could have long term consequences. You don’t need your mind and body falling apart do you?

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