by Serolynne
Question by fjdsa;jfkda;: How/What are you supposed to feel after you drink an energy drink?
So I just drank a Monster energy drink (first time I drink an energy drink) because I have to read a really long book for my summer work and I kept on falling asleep because it’s so boring. I don’t know if it’s worked or anything because I don’t feel any different or anymore “energized”.
Best answer:
Answer by Brad
ya know i have that same problem…with some people it doesnt because of how their body reacts to the guarnine… so if you wanna know if it works for you, stay up late and drink one and see if you fall asleep or not, thats wat i did and it does work for me
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after a while u start to crash
I think you should feel embarrassed that you spent all that money on a lousy energy drink.
Nest time, just have a cup of tea.
For some it makes them more tired.For others it makes them energized.