by mutantlog
Question by ~~~: energy drink made my husband’s beard grow faster than normal?
It happen when last Friday he had a big can of energy drink, then we noticed that in the weekend his beard had grown tree times faster than normal in the same time period it would only grow a tiny little bit. We could not believe it! Anybody with similar experiences?
*three times.
Best answer:
Answer by thisscreennameblows
no but i read that title all wrong- thought you were making energy drinks out of your husband’s beard.
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A scientist did a study on frogs. He sat one down and made a loud noise and the frog jumped 4 feet. He cut off a leg and did it again. This time the frog only jumped 3 feet. He cut off another leg and made the noise again. This time the frog only jumped 2 feet. He cut off a third leg and made the loud noise again. The frog only jumped 1 foot. He cut off the last leg and made the noise louder than before. This time the frog did not jump at all. The scientist’s conclusion: “Cut off all 4 legs and a frog will become deaf”.
In other words the energy drink did NOT make your husband’s beard grow faster. Just like cutting off legs does not make a frog deaf.