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Pissed Off Dad Reveals Truth About Energy Drinks, Pasteurization, and the Yoli Blast Cap
Pissed Off Dad Reveals Truth About Energy Drinks, Pasteurization, and the Yoli Blast Cap
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Pissed Off Dad Reveals Truth About Energy Drinks, Pasteurization, and the Yoli Blast Cap
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Pissed Off Dad Reveals Truth About Energy Drinks, Pasteurization, and the Yoli Blast Cap
By: Ken Hightower
About the Author
Ken Hightower invites you learn more about the contents of this article or to post a comment by visiting his blog at The Truth About Energy Drinks
To learn about cost effective nutrition for your family please visit Yoli Blast Cap Nutrition. It is vital that we give our kids the nutrition they are starving for.
(ArticlesBase SC #1060923)
Article Source: – Pissed Off Dad Reveals Truth About Energy Drinks, Pasteurization, and the Yoli Blast Cap
If you are a parent who cares about the well being of your children then you MUST pay attention to my rant! There will be good news at the end but the information I’m about to share with you will probably make you as angry as I am right currently.
Parents, we have been lied to! We have been systematically broken down and fed a series of lies and untruths that put our beloved children at great health risk. The food and beverage industries do not have our health in mind when producing their junk foods and energy drinks. In fact, there is not one single legitimately healthy drink found in a mainstream grocery store including the major chains. Not one! Here’s the proof.
Pasteurization, good right? Wrong! Dead wrong. Pasteurization Kills. It kills the bad stuff, but here’s what they don’t tell you, it kills the good stuff too. The nutrients, enzymes, antibodies and beneficial hormones that are vital for your wellbeing are now lifeless also. The B vitamins are completely destroyed and a significant loss of vitamins A, C, D, and E. Why do they do this? Simple, shelf life = more money in their pockets. It doesn’t stop with milk. Check each juice and sport drink you find. All pasteurized or hot filled. See why I’m pissed off! But stop, there’s more. A lot more.
Lori Lipinski is a Certified Nutritional Consultant and says “We have all been led to believe that milk is a wonderful source of calcium, when in fact, pasteurization makes calcium and other minerals less available. Complete destruction of phosphatase is one method of testing to see if milk has been adequately pasteurized. Phosphatase is essential for the absorption of calcium”.
Store Bought Beverages
Now that you know a little about pasteurization just take a look at the beverages in the store. I challenge you to discover a beverage, whether it’s apple juice, orange juice or vitamin water, that is NOT pasteurized in some form. They often disguise it as hot filled or flash pasteurized or even aseptic but it all means that whatever was formerly healthy about the drink has now been destroyed or greatly diminished. In addition to that they are running ads that two glasses of apple juice a day is the same as eating an apple a day. That’s just wrong! Where’s the fiber and enzymes in pasteurized apple juice. Again I’m getting warm under the collar.
How bout the HFCS in those drinks. It too is all over the place. Our kids are getting fatter and fatter. How splendid is that for us parents? Let’s look at the bright side, we won’t have to go to any soccer or baseball games anymore because our kids will be too fat to play. Yippee!! The highlight of my parents life was going to watch me play football and baseball when I was a teenager. Currently the beverage and food industries want to take that from me. The hell they will. I’m going to fight back. Read on..
There is Some GOOD NEWS!
There is a company opening up in August that is put together by other concerned parents who quite frankly are just as fed up as I am about not being able to find anything healthy for ourselves and our children to drink. The company is called Yoli which means “To Live” in Aztec. The product itself contains nothing but all natural healthy ingredients that have been formulated to provide as much as 6 servings of fruits and vegetables per 18 oz bottle. Certainly there are similar products out there but who can afford them on a regular basis? What is breakthrough about the Yoli product is it’s patented delivery method. The product is freeze dried at the peak of ripeness and then dispensed through their patented blast cap technology.
Yoli provides 100% RDA nutrition and is simple to use. It comes in a P1 plastic bottle which contains no BPE’s and is dishwasher safe and reusable over and over again thus dropping the burden on the landfills. As soon as your family has sufficient bottles you can order just the replacement caps which is much cheaper. Each cap is .50 for registered customers making it a very affordable alternative to those detrimental energy drinks. Let’s see, would you rather give your kid 12 spoons of sugar and a bunch of caffeine or would you instead give them 6 servings of fruits and vegetables?
No preservatives, No sugar, No artificial sweetners, No artificial flavors or colors, just 100% natural live nutrition. Oh, and did I declare for you diabetics out there, it has a 0 glycemic index! Now you are probably thinking it must taste like crap if it’s that beneficial for you. WRONG!! For me it tastes very much like what I grew up with as a kid- Tang.
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Ken Hightower –
About the Author:
Ken Hightower invites you learn more about the contents of this article or to post a comment by visiting his blog at The Truth About Energy Drinks
To learn about cost effective nutrition for your family please visit Yoli Blast Cap Nutrition. It is vital that we give our kids the nutrition they are starving for.
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truth about energy drinks, yoli, yoli blast cap, yoli nutrition, truth about orange juice, truth about pasteurization
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