Four Loko being converted to ethanol
The leftovers from a once popular alcoholic energy drink are being put to good use. Four Loko and other alcohol-laced energy drinks are being turned into ethanol in the state of Virginia.
Read more on YNN Rochester
Energy Drink Reveals 8th Grader’s Congestive Heart Failure
A Lee’s Summit teen is starting the New Year in need of a new heart to replace her failing one, and her family also needs some help to ease the financial burden that’s come with this major medical ordeal.
Read more on FOX 4 Kansas City
Ski cross returns to slopes of Blue Mountain
THE BLUE MOUNTAINS -Next month a horde of athletes will descend on Blue Mountain looking to be the next Rockstar. The Rockstar Ski-Cross Grand Prix is bringing the world back to Blue Mountain Resort, Feb.[…]
Read more on Collingwood Enterprise-Bulletin
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