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Is the amount of energy drinks I drink dangerous?

30 Oct Posted by in Tweet Posts | 3 comments

Question by af1reinside: Is the amount of energy drinks I drink dangerous?
I drink 1 to 2 energy drinks a week, mainly green Monster, but sometimes I get SoBe Adrenaline Rush. I’ve never had more than 2 in a week. They’re great because I am very busy sometimes and I need to stay awake a lot. I never crash from them, I stay energized for the whole day. My mom thinks they are horrible for me, but I think that 1 or 2 a week wouldn’t be dangerous at all. Is this bad for me? Or is it okay for me to drink one every once and a while?

Best answer:

Answer by Lacey
I don’t think the level that you are consuming them is dangerous, but I do think that it is bad for you.

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