Question by Manny Peralta: Is it okay to drink a monster energy before a boxing match?
I want to know if it’s okay to drink a energy drink, like monster energy, before a boxing fight, to be full of energy and to not get tired easily. Is it okay? Explain.
Best answer:
Answer by Normen Bates
Being in shape helps you not get tired easily an energy drink just gives you a sugar boost it has nothing too do with anything cardiovascular.
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yea if you want diaria in the 3rd round
No it is not ok. The sugar rush will lead to a sugar crash and you will decline in performance. In fact I remember reading in yahoo sports a week ago about a guy on the Lakers who had a sweet toooth and it was hurting his play on the field because he lost focus after the sugar rush wore off. The crash will make you tired and you won’t perform better than with natural conditioning training. So it is not illegal in that sense but it is not recommended. I knew a kid back in high school in track that drank an energy drink and collapsed right after the race.
If you ask a nutritionist, they will tell you to eat a balanced diet, including all the food groups.
The problem with the carb or protein drink/supplement/bar eating crowd is that they are buying into an industry rather than common sense.
Think about it: everyone says to avoid artificial foods, and yet “health” food stores sell all this processed junk food.
When you need to eat, then eat……food.
Have a nice, balanced meal before a match, hydrate well, but give yourself lots of time for the meal to settle. Leave the sugar drinks and protein loading to the fad peddlers.
Eat food.