Question by nancyluvsyou101: Is a energy drink good before a tennis match?
im thinking of drinking a X’s energy drink before we go off to a tennis match.but im just scared that it’ll wear off by the time i get to the match.any suggestions?
Best answer:
Answer by kyle z
ummm prob not cuz it will give u cramps lol and make u not concentrate well
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The day before a match eat a lot of complex carbs (oatmeal yams beans whole wheat pasta if you can) and vegitables.
Drink a lot of water. Get a lot of sleep. I would stick to fruit right before going on to the court. Try some endurance training.
That is the best way to keep yourslef going for a whole match.
I agree w T-Minus, and would say maybe an hour or so before I’d eat some bread and/or maybe even a protein bar, but bread, carbs. Don’t put too much sugary stuff on the bread if at all, and if you have to use butter, keep that really really low. Ana Ivankovic chomps on protein bars during a long break of the set. And bring special sports drinks w/ you (NOT with sugar in them!).
carbs. and then bananananas for potasium. Bring a banana with you as well, it will help you not cramp up and the sugar gives you that extra energy during hte game.
That is good if you are thirsty, this will prevent you from dehydration in playing tennis games. Just don’t drink too much of it, excessive fluids will bounce erradically inside your stomach when you are on play that will cause a bum stomach & feel pain. Drink just to quench your thirst & to replenish fluid when you sweat. A piece of banana will add energy due to its potassium content & avoid upset stomach pains due to an empty stomach which is bad if your playing a very strainuous sport like tennis.
try water or gatorade