Question by Tippman: How to make an energy drink with my juicer?
I need to know how what makes a good energy drink with my juicer?
Best answer:
Answer by supercool1113
Well, if you use the right fruits, you need extra energy supplements in it…..Try stuff like:
-Orang Juice(for vitamin C)
-Various greens(fiber,clears system,nutrients)
-Berries(are especially for energy)
There is a lot out there so you can several options.
Good Luck!!!
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If you are using fresh fruits and vegetables like broccoli, kale, celery, carrots those provide a lot of energy by themselves.
However to make a good energy drink, you should incorporate a separate blender into your juice drink making process. After all bananas don’t do too well in juice extractors. 🙂
When you are done with the juice extractor just throw the juice in a blender and add a crushed MULTI-VITAMIN, a banana, and apple perhaps?
I do this every day, and I don’t get sick. I have twice as much energy as I ever had compared to when I used to load up on coffee in the morning.
I also add those liquid herbal vitamin supplements that you can purchase at health food stores. Devil’s claw (liquid herbal supplement) does wonders for energy and alertness.
a piece of ginger , 2 apples, one peach a branch of parsley and some pineapple, it sound weird? yes, maybe but is works great!