Question by Eric: How safe do you think energy drinks are?
The levels of caffeine in energy drinks are exorbitant, and since caffeine is technically classified as a soft drug, it is possible that one truly can become dependent on the drink to get them through the day. Even when taken in moderation, energy drinks only offer a short-lived rush, and after this buzz many people crash and burn. It all makes me a little uneasy. What are your thoughts?
Best answer:
Answer by The Delanator
They’re decent if you absolutely need some energy (hard physical labor, driving for hours on end, that sort of thing). They have mad amounts of high fructose corn syrup, and they’re actually pretty fattening in that right. They’re also more acidic than soda and are terrible for your oral health (think eroding your enamel bad).
They’re, at best, a last ditch effort for energy. Caffeine pills wouldn’t be as bad in the long run.
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From what I am told they put a lot of sugar in the energy drink sugar and caffeine which can be addicting and can be constantly consume most people can get addicted and depending on the drink more than what is need and often feel tired or exhausted it iis a pretty uneasy thought
I hope my opinions helped ^^
Not safe at all. I’d drink alcohol before I drink those; they are totally artificial, loaded with things your should not have, esp. chemicals to addict you. They ought to be illegal. I have actually seen someone “try” one and 6 months later cannot fuction properly without one every few hours.
I know this personally and swear by what I just told you is the truth. Personally, I have a problem “politically” with big corporations like Pepsi or Coke making more money than they are by tricking you or me into addiction.
Think about it…
energy i think are safe in moderation….i dony drink them lol the dont really work for me
it all depends on how your body reacts to them and how many you drink a day. they are safe if you follow the recomended daily dose and if your body can handle them. just don go over board and youll be fine:)
quantity makes the poison.
might that be alcohol, energy drinks or anything else. *(in all fairness i would draw the line at drugs, here i have a big and simple NO).
But i think all the hype of how good you feel after a burn, red bull or whatever it is makes only ONE person feel even greater. The shareholder, they become rich and fat….
I tried about half a can of that sugar-taurin-coffein gunk. did not like the taste at all. and no advertising will make me drink it again. if i am tired but HAVE to work, i drink a cup of good coffee, open the window and get a few gulps of fresh air. but definitely will make sure that i get proper rest afterwards.I have only one body and take decent care of it.
When used in moderation and by responsible adults, I don’t see any harm in using the occasional energy drink. I personally keep a 5-Hour Energy Shot in my work desk and in my car just in case I ever need a boost of energy. I am concerned about the health factors and safety of these drinks, but the 5-Hour shots only have as much caffiene as a cup of coffee, and they aren’t loaded with the sugar or calories that some of the other energy drinks have. I did a lot of nutritional reasearch before settling on my 5-Hour shots though. To each their own.