Question by Chris3: How old do you have to be to drink a energy drink?
Im 13 128 pounds and 5ft 3in. Is it ok for me to drink a energy drink. Cuz i heard if you are to young or somthing u can die cuz ur heart races to fast. What do u guys think?
Best answer:
Answer by Duke
There is no specific age limit; but caution is advised in younger people because of their increased sensitivity to caffeine. At the very least, stick to the smaller cans until you know your tolerance.
What do you think? Answer below!
12-16 depending. My tiny tiny friend cannot drink a whole can cuz she’ll go nuts. You’re the same height and weight as me so you should be fine (also, girls are more affected then boys, and I am a girl). Also, you’re cafine tolerance can effect how much of a buzz you get (like crazy or just more alert).
Don’t have more than one a day because 3 or 4 can kill you.