Question by Liee: how many energy drinks do you have to drink before you are really affected?
I drank an energy drink once, but it didn’t do anything for me. How many should I drink to get an affect?
Best answer:
Answer by Rabidgoldfish
if drink a monster and you’re a teen drink 1-2 and if you are older 2 maybe more. DON’T DRINK IT EVERYDAY IT WILL MESS UP YOUR BODY!
What do you think? Answer below!
1 12 oz redbull for me.
but you should probably stop because youre body seems to be getting used to them now… which must mean you drink them a lot ! its really unhealthy :/ i drink them occasionally.
Well most drink have a different amount of caffeine but the standard is about 80mg of caffeine per serving (about 200mg per can) and depending on the person it may have a different affect. Sometimes you don’t feel the affect but it’s there and other times you will notice a few minutes after drinking it. I’m assuming you drank the entire can, and since about 200mg of caffeine didn’t affect you enough to notice maybe another half a can to another full can should work. If that doesn’t work don’t drink too much more. The recommended amount is a maximum of 3 cans a day usually. (For monster ir is anyway)
I Drink Monavie EMV which is a healthy energy drink made from the acai berry. This gives you energy for 3+ hours depending on the person without the jitter or crash of other energy drinks.
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