Question by no: How harmful are energy drinks the first month of pregnancy?
Not saying I am, but I realized that it is possible because bf & I were together around the time of my ovulation this month. But how much damage can a few energy drinks do? I’ve had one almost every day for the past week.
Best answer:
Answer by Baby #1 Due Sept. 15!!!
Well if you don’t do it anymore then you should be fine.. but the reason it’s so bad is because of the extreme ammount of caffine which can cause alot of problems for the baby if you continue to do it during the whole pregnancy
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you shouldn’t really be drinking that many energy drinks on a regular basis anyway. take a pregnancy test and if you are pregnant then stop drinking any energy drinks.
if soda is not really that good because of the caffeine… then they are just as bad.
a few energy drinks probably wont do much harm as long as you stop drinking them now.
Well energy drinks have high amounts of caffeine, and caffeine is linked to early miscarriage, I say you would be fine tho even if you are pregnant, the way things seem to work is that if yu dont know your pregnant and do soething you shouldnt its fine. Just stave away from those drinks until you find out and if you are make sure to give those up.
Energy drinks are just bad in general!! It shouldnt be too big of a deal, but they say that caffiene consumption leads to a higher chance of miscarriage, which is why some women steer clear of it when they are TTC. If you really do think your pregnant, take a test…and if you are…stop drinking energy drinks!!!
Although my mom said she had a pepsi and a snickers bar for breakfast everyday while she was pregnant with me…haha and I came out a healthy 8lbs 6oz….so I guess it depends!!!
The only problem with energy drinks is that you need to drink tons of water with them because they will give you contractions. They’re not really water because of the vitamins, etc that they contain. But you should be fine.
Energy drinks mainly get your blood flowing faster, resulting in your heart beat increasing. My thoughts are, that because your embryo (at that time) wasn’t developed enough to have it’s own blood flow coursing through its embryonic body and no heart is developed yet, I’d say that your in the clear.
The caffeine in energy drinks is the problem, go with decaf versions (, or stick with 5-Hour Energy because it uses stuff other than sugar and caffeine to give you a boost ( They do say not to use them if you are pregnant or nursing, but if you aren’t sure they’d probably be your best bet!
And make sure to drink lots of water, even if you’re not pregnant. Some energy drinks can really take a toll on your body if you’re not careful.
energy drinks have tons of caffeine and we all know that caffeine is a vasoconstrictor therefore you don’t want your uterus contracting that early and in addition, caffeine is linked to many pregnancy problems during pregnancy. Please don’t drink anymore of that energy drink. You should get in the habit of reading the reading the labels when you are pregnant because the energy bottle do have warnings for pregnant women.