Green Energy Drinks Vs. Other Energy Drinks – Get A Better Jolt, Faster Metabolism. Do These Steps
Green Energy Drinks Vs. Other Energy Drinks – Get A Better Jolt, Faster Metabolism. Do These Steps
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Home Page > Health > Nutrition > Green Energy Drinks Vs. Other Energy Drinks – Get A Better Jolt, Faster Metabolism. Do These Steps
Green Energy Drinks Vs. Other Energy Drinks – Get A Better Jolt, Faster Metabolism. Do These Steps
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Posted: Feb 27, 2009 |Comments: 0
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Green Energy Drinks Vs. Other Energy Drinks – Get A Better Jolt, Faster Metabolism. Do These Steps
By: Gerry Morton
About the Author
Gerry Morton is the CEO of EnergyFirst, leading provider of top-quality, proven, 100% all-natural nutritional supplements and cutting-edge, science-based nutrition education since 1997.
Visit for green powder and other energy and metabolism-boosting tips and supplements (all with money-back guarantee).
(ArticlesBase SC #793554)
Article Source: – Green Energy Drinks Vs. Other Energy Drinks – Get A Better Jolt, Faster Metabolism. Do These Steps
What’s your favorite pick-me up? Coffee, cappuccino, iced-blended? Or uber-processed caffeinated and sugar-laden energy drinks in a can, like Red Bull or Jolt? These stimulants are wildly popular, and Red Bull has even replaced water in sales, but they’re not good for you.
Processed energy drinks usually contain caffeine, sugar, artificial flavors, artificial colors, and other processed ingredients. They give a quick fix that makes you alert, speedy, and kills appetite, but the benefits don’t last. In fact, the energy you get from caffeine and sugar is like energy that you’re borrowing from the bank to be paid back later with interest!
Shortly after consuming your beverage, here’s what can happen: your blood sugar plummets, your glucose levels get thrown out of whack, your body goes into “starvation mode,” your metabolism slows, and your body starts storing everything as fat instead of burning fat for fuel. You then have no energy, feel hungry, jittery and tend to overeat.
That’s why people are getting smart about staying alert and drinking natural green health drinks instead. These healthy drinks give you a boost without a sugar crash or caffeine-drop jitters. They’re naturally sweetened and use mild natural stimulants, like green tea. The energy boost keeps working longer and keeps your metabolism more efficient.
Here’s how green drinks boost energy longer and without processed stimulants:
• They’re chock-full of easily-absorbed, unprocessed carbs — barley grass, wheat grass, spirulina and others — which give your brain and body their only real source of fuel: glucose. Combine carbs with protein and oils and your body burns fat steadily, giving you ongoing energy.
• They contain unprocessed stimulants like green tea.
• They’re full of antioxidants that keep cells healthy, giving you plenty of energy to use on whatever you want.
• They contain probiotics and digestive enzymes that greatly help digestion, keeping the body cleaner, more efficient and more energized.
• The chlorophyll in the best green drinks alkalizes and cleans the blood. This gives you needed red blood cells to carry oxygen in and metabolic waste out. No oxygen means no energy. Sufficient oxygen means more energy.
• They’re all-alkaline and help keep your body in ideal alkaline PH state.
Ready to cut the Red Bull?
Follow this checklist and keep your energy tank full in a healthy way. No more highs and lows, only an even keel.
[ ] 1. Get a green drink plan. Green drink powder in a breakfast shake gets your metabolism going and keeps energy high. Grab natural energy drinks for a pick-me-up instead of caffeinated drinks. No cheating!
[ ] 2. Drink enough water. You need a minimum of half your weight in ounces per day.
[ ] 3. Eat the right balance of protein, carbs, and oil at every meal. Follow the “fist, thumb, fist rule” (a fist-sized portion of protein; thumb-size portion of healthy oils; fist-size portion of carbs).
[ ] 4. Exercise daily. Usually, the more you exercise the more energy you have. Some of it’s adrenaline. Some of it’s a stronger body. Even a brisk walk will do.
[ ] 5. Get enough sleep. Sufficient rest allows cells to do the behind the scenes work that let’s you feel energized in your waking hours.
[ ] 6. Keep stress levels down. Stress depletes a lot of energy while serenity boosts energy — calm, non-jittery energy, that is.
Get your healthy, long-lasting green drink powder buzz today…
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Gerry Morton –
About the Author:
Gerry Morton is the CEO of EnergyFirst, leading provider of top-quality, proven, 100% all-natural nutritional supplements and cutting-edge, science-based nutrition education since 1997.
Visit for green powder and other energy and metabolism-boosting tips and supplements (all with money-back guarantee).
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green drinks, green health drink, best green drinks, green health drinks, green drink powder
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