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Future of Energy

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Future of Energy

Future of Energy

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Home Page > Business > Industrial > Future of Energy

Future of Energy

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Posted: Feb 07, 2011 |Comments: 0


Do you think electricity is boring? At Lumo Energy, we love new and exciting things and with the rise of social media, companies are coming up with new and innovative ways to engage with customers. We found some great ideas related to energy companies.

Vattenfall is a leading energy company in Europe and has just launched a campaign to help clients reduce their energy bills by being social. Vattenfall noticed that a lot of people in Europe live alone and dine alone. To reduce the amount of energy used when cooking a meal, Vattenfall encourages people to cook for their neighbours using a Foursquare check in system. The more people you have over for dinner, the bigger discount you will get on your energy invoice!

The students of the Berghs School of Communication in Sweden came up with a marketing campaign for a Swedish energy company Fortum. By opening a Fortum gym (Fortum Active), clients were able to produce their own energy. The more people used the gym, the more energy they created and the bigger the discount was on their energy invoice.

Look at the video!

We’re always trying to think of ways to make energy more interesting for our clients and think these ideas are great examples of how to make people shine! What do you think?

At Lumo Energy, we’ve got a lot of big ideas. Ideas about doing things differently from the rest, about trying new things, about doing everything we can to keep you shining

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LUMO Energy
About the Author:

At Lumo Energy, we’ve got a lot of big ideas. Ideas about doing things differently from the rest, about trying new things, about doing everything we can to keep you shining. We don’t just talk big, we follow through on our promises. We promise to provide you with the best service, the most flexible options and to take care of all of the fiddly stuff. So you can worry about more important stuff.


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