by akanekal
Energy Drinks Safe For You Or Not?
Energy Drinks Safe For You Or Not?
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Home Page > Health > Hearing > Energy Drinks Safe For You Or Not?
Energy Drinks Safe For You Or Not?
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Posted: Nov 20, 2010 |Comments: 0
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Energy Drinks Safe For You Or Not?
By: Jully
About the Author
Bodybuildingfactory is one of the United States leading Energy Drinks website. First established in 2003, its mission is to become the number one site for Energy Pills and Ephedra diet pills searches.
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Article Source: – Energy Drinks Safe For You Or Not?
The Energy Drinks or the Energy Pills may be harmful for you if not taken under expert guidance and also may be very bad for your health if taken more than required. There are few side effects or some signs by which it can be judged that the Energy drinks are affecting your body. So first the harms of these drinks have to be looked upon and also the signs of the effects have to be seen.
To begin with all of us are mostly aware with the story that there was a brilliant footballer who was playing for his high school team but died while playing in the match and his death was a shame because he had taken a few can of a famous energy drink thus it is clear from this that there some kind of ill effect of such energy drinks thus it is to be seen that by what ingredients such energy drinks are made and what all lead to the death of that footballer.
Mostly all the energy drinks which are available in the market are made of two major ingredients which are the sugar and caffeine but these two main ingredients are harmless but the thing which is to be looked at for example the sugar level in the energy drinks is very high and with the alarming rate of diabetic patients in our country it is not at all good for our health and on the other hand there is the use of caffeine in the energy drinks.
The caffeine is yet another common thing which all of us have regularly through the cup of tea or coffee. But the major difference which is there in the caffeine level in the coffee is very less than the caffeine level of the energy drinks as it is three times more than the cup of coffee as compared with the one can of the energy drink and secondly when we drink a cup of coffee it is very slowly and thus the intake of the caffeine in the body is also at the low level and we have generally a cup at a time but the players take two or three cans at a time thus in such situation the intake of the energy drinks is very harmful for the body. The few signs by which the ill affect of the energy drinks are such as mental tensions, headaches, laziness and tiredness etc.
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Jully –
About the Author:
Bodybuildingfactory is one of the United States leading Energy Drinks website. First established in 2003, its mission is to become the number one site for Energy Pills and Ephedra diet pills searches.
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