Question by blooper: does RockstaR energy drink really work?
ok, so i have tried RockstaR energy drink because i heard it’s one of the best energy drinks that taste good and gives you energy; however, I don’t feel energized at all! i have tried 2 types of RockstaR, original, and the ZERO CARB(this one supposably was the best at energizing and has more caffeine) i sometimes work late so I try out the energy drink but end up feeling sleepy even after drinking RockstaR. and yes i drink the energy drink when and before i feel sleepy or out of energy. anyone know whats going on here? and what energy drink “really” works?
Best answer:
Answer by VampRaver
I Like Any Sobe Energy Drinks. They Give Me Energy & Taste Hella Good.
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water works the best , not caffiene and sugar mixed
Energy drinks give you calories “energy”..and aren’t really supposed to make you feel energetic.
its bla bla bla like the others
most dont work, and is a false claim to make you drink it, and if u really want real energy
eat fruits and bread, that will give u energy
It works for me, but it all depends on how much of a caffeine tolerance you have/developed. You may just need more caffeine to stay awake because you’re system has because used to it.
Honestly, the energy from the drinks is all about the caffeine, I don’t care how much ginsing/vitamins/seaweed they put in there.
The blog Energy Fiend ( has a great caffeine database if you haven’t visited it before.
You have what they call the two hour crash. Energy drinks with large amount of sugar or caffeine, give you a sugar high with no real staying power. If you try and drink more to keep you going, you just windup with the shakes.
I have found that XS energy drinks with no sugar, no carbs, and caffeine levels the same as a cup of coffee, do the trick for me to keep me going through the day and tight projects.
XS energy gives you a boost through B12 Vitamins which get you energy without the crash. You can find them on line at the link below.
The reason you feel tired after drinking one of those so called “energy drinks” is because Caffeine does not give you energy. It stimulates your nervous system and adrenals. That’s not energy, it’s stress. Caffeine triggers a classic fight-or-flight reaction. You might appreciate the following link:
I do know of an energy drink that really works, it is a nutritional suppliment, so it is also much better for you, but I can’t post the site because according to Y!A community guidelines that is “advertising” and I don’t want to get into trouble, so feel free to e-mail me and I will send you the link to the website.