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does RockstaR energy drink really work?

08 Oct Posted by in Tweet Posts | 7 comments
energy drink
by kainr

Question by blooper: does RockstaR energy drink really work?
ok, so i have tried RockstaR energy drink because i heard it’s one of the best energy drinks that taste good and gives you energy; however, I don’t feel energized at all! i have tried 2 types of RockstaR, original, and the ZERO CARB(this one supposably was the best at energizing and has more caffeine) i sometimes work late so I try out the energy drink but end up feeling sleepy even after drinking RockstaR. and yes i drink the energy drink when and before i feel sleepy or out of energy. anyone know whats going on here? and what energy drink “really” works?

Best answer:

Answer by VampRaver
I Like Any Sobe Energy Drinks. They Give Me Energy & Taste Hella Good.

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