Question by ciao BELLA;: Cocaine Energy Drink-Causes Heart Attacks?
I have heard rumours that this recently developed ‘Cocaine’ Energy Drink may cause the consumer to have a heart attack. Has anyone ever tried this drink? What are the effects?
Best answer:
Answer by JP
Cocaine is a vasoconstrictor, causing the heart’s blood vessels to spasm and close up. There currently isn’t a drug available to reverse this effect. So, any cocaine can cause a heart attack, often fatal.
What do you think? Answer below!
A lot of energy drinks will say that they can possibly cause heart attacks for legality issues. Any drink with large amounts of caffeine will run a risk of heart problems if you’re sensitive to caffeine.
A lot of the time, also, energy drink companies will plaster things like that on their labels as a sales pitch as well. The whole ploy is for kids to take notice that it’s a powerful energy drink.
As for causing heart attacks for just drinking a can of it, I’d have to say that’s a myth. Unless the individual consuming it has a very weak heart.
O_O OMG! Those cans I saw in a picture are real???? I thought it was some sort of joke! What the heck is wrong with people these days?! That’s not right! Why don’t they show barney dong drugs while they are at it! Gosh I hate people that make products like those…
By the way all energy drink have risk.. Specially when its drank just to sit around. There is a reason why is an ENERGY drink, is to unnaturally accelerate the body’s function. Is obvious that it will cause some damage.
well anyway yes they can, they have LOADS of caffeine! It can make your heart race, and stop it if you have heart problems.
But this boils down to logic, if you have heart problems,why would you take something, especially an energy drink called Cocaine?