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can you drink Monster energy drinks with a brand new tongue piercing?

24 Nov Posted by in Tweet Posts | 2 comments

Question by Jorgia: can you drink Monster energy drinks with a brand new tongue piercing?
I just got my tongue pierced a few days ago, and it feels like it’s healed pretty good so far. I want to drink a Monster energy drink, but I don’t know if it will screw up the healing process.

Best answer:

Answer by Jawnuhthun
It most likely will slow down the healing process, and has a chance of infecting the piercing itself. It’s best to stay away from caffeine and carbonated drinks for a while, but I don’t know how long a while is for a tongue piercing. Could be a week, could be a month, I wouldn’t know, so I can’t help there. I’d say wait about a week before attempting to drink any kind of energy drink or carbonated/caffeine induced beverage, or to ask a piercing parlor about it. The latter seems to be your best bet, so if I were you, I’d go ask a professional first. A hassle, yes, but it’s the best bet other than Google of course.

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